A sustainable
cannabis industry
Starts With You
We have a vision for the cannabis industry.
The Washington Sun and Craft Grower’s Association (WSCA) mission is to advance and protect the interests of sun and craft cultivators through the development of rule and law that supports an economically and environmentally sustainable cannabis industry.
Founded in 2012 as the Washington Sungrowers Industry Association (WSIA) to ensure that sustainable, sungrown cannabis was given a space in Washington state’s legal cannabis economy. The organization has grown since, combined with grassroots efforts to pass legislation to define and differentiate Craft Cannabis production. We work to ensure that small, owner operated cannabis cultivation can thrive in Washington State, now and into the future.
Board members meet regularly with agency staff and legislators to educate them on our issues. Combined, our leadership has been influential; our board members have helped to accomplished much, including:
Successfully advocated for a legal structure that included the ‘little guys’ resulting in the limited tier system.
Successfully petitioned the LCB to remove “inventory destruction” as an administrative penalty applicable to producers and processors.
Successfully petitioned the LCB to establish the Cannabis Advisory Council
Successfully persuaded Spokane County Commissioners to lift an emergency ban on outdoor cannabis grows.
Successfully mobilized farmers to oppose LCB's proposal to require “commercial grade fencing” for all grows.
Successfully mobilized licensees & consumers to oppose RFID tag requirements on the original traceability system.
Successfully rallied opposition to HB 1858 which would have brought grossly disproportionate increases in licensing fees to smaller cultivators.
Submitted a joint letter to the LCB requesting changes to packaging & labeling including harvest date, THC/CBD variances, warnings, accompanying material requirements, universal symbols, and grace periods.
Successfully petitioned the LCB to withdraw the proposal to place “Mr Yuk” stickers on edible products.
Submitted a letter to the LCB seeking regulatory relief for cultivators relating to producer samples, quarantine periods, tagging plants, and waste disposal rules.
Successfully petitioned the LCB to provide statewide phone-in access to all public meetings held in Olympia.
Successfully petitioned the Attorney General and Governor offices to halt the synthetic manufacturing of THCs from hemp CBD.
Successfully pulled together integrators to soften the transition of the CCRS.
Successfully lobbied against bills to allow synthetic cannabis production.
There is so much more to do to protect our lifestyles as small businesses operators:
Continue to advocate for a Craft Endorsement for direct sales
Pass legislation to establish a Cannabis Commission
Assist the social equity goals to get more diversity of cannabis ownership
Advocate for increased retail locations
Work to lift bans and moratoriums
Eliminate the 37% tax on patients
Continue to defend zoning battles across the state
Continue advocacy to ensure only natural cannabinoids enter our system
Write legislation that supports small business
Ensure new rules are implemented to not create hardships for our members
Jason Poll was born into a family of entrepreneurs in Seattle, WA. He grew up watching his dad and uncles run bars, night clubs, and casinos. As Jason grew up, his own entrepreneurial spirit developed and he entered the music business, managing bands during the 90's, as the Seattle music scene exploded. After the turn of the century, he got married and started a construction business remodeling and eventually building new homes. His talent for connecting people and managing projects has made him successful at growing businesses. In 2016, he started Plenus LLC and entered the newly legal WA state cannabis market. Since 2016, Plenus has been growing indoor and sun grown flower for the I-502 Market with brands like Gorge Gold, Satannabis and Farm Bros. In 2021, Jason joined the board of the Washington Sun and Craft Grower's Association in an effort to bring small farms together in a cooperative effort. He continues to keep his family's entrepreneurial tradition alive and connecting quality people with each other.
Jeremy Moberg is truly a pioneer in the Washington Cannabis industry. For Moberg Cannabis is a way of life. He started growing in his basement in 1993, but quickly pivoted to sustainable production utilizing the power of the sun. He was an early adopter of light deprivation, a technique now widely used to produce quality cannabis sustainably. When the state legalized in 2012 he founded the Washington Sungrowers Industry Association (WSIA) to advocate for the state to allow sustainable outdoor production. In 2014 Moberg founded Cannasol farms and was the first in the nation to sell sustainably grown cannabis in the legal market. Cannasol Farms has set the standard for sustainably grown cannabis in Washington and has won multiple categories in past Sun and Craft Cups. Recognizing the increasingly hostile market place to small producers, Moberg worked to bring small Craft growers into the association and the Washington Sun and Craft Association was born (WSCA). Today the WSCA represents the most farmers in the state and works with the legislator and LCB to help keep small producers at the heart of Washington Cannabis The WSCA has had many successes but there is more work to be done to keep small craft and sun growers the true spirit of the Washington Cannabis industry. Moberg lives with his wife off the grid in the Okanogan Valley where in addition to operating the farm and a Pizza Joint they also run a retirement community for menopausal chickens.
Meet the Board
Micah Sherman is a trained architect who came to the Washington cannabis industry from Brooklyn, NY. His career in the design and construction industries brought a critical perspective to the accepted norms of indoor cannabis production, and allowed Raven to take a more considered experimental take, challenging the traditionally held beliefs of what indoor agriculture has to look like. Sherman has worked as an operating partner of Raven since it's 2013 inception with his founding partner Nichole Graf to create a cannabis business that's focused on making craft-scale cannabis while operating an ethical business focused on good jobs, positive community effects and advocating for a more equitable cannabis industry.
Taking nearly a decade of experience from the domestic and international wine industry, Ryan and his family set out on an adventure of a lifetime, Legal Cannabis! Ryan Sevigny (pronounced 7-E) is the founder of a Tier II Producer/Processor Cannabis operation located in Oroville, Washington, just south of the Canadian Border. Ryan also serves as the President of Landrace Brands and during tenure the company has launched 3 new brands and 5 new product lines. Landrace is firmly committed to sustainable growing and processing methods which help reduce the company’s footprint on mother nature; creating products that are unquestionably safe and clean to consume.
As a stakeholder in the industry, Ryan feels compelled to help lead in smart, sensible reforms for cannabis farmers, hold the people charged of regulating this industry accountable and advocating for a sustainable small business driven cannabis industry. Ryan also considers Washington State uniquely positioned to build a better cannabis community, putting people and plant front and center.
Since entering the legal Cannabis Industry six years ago, Ryan has been fortunate to advocate on behalf of the cannabis industry as a member of the Washington Sun & Craft Board & as an Adjunct Board member with the Cannabis Alliance. He has been a guest lecture at Evergreen State College, presented to the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) and appear numerous cannabis podcasts.
Ryan was born and raised in the Richland, Washington and enjoys spending time with his wife Carin, daughter Grace (7yrs) & son Jude (4yrs), gardening, hiking and whenever possible playing a little golf.
Lazy Bee Gardens is a family owned farm located in Winthrop Washington. Nestled down on the Methow River we enjoy ample sunshine, brisk mountain air and rich glaciated topsoil that provides all the right ingredients for growing. It has been our goal to provide clean, sustainable cannabis to the Washington market and our beautiful location has allowed us to shape those goals into reality. By utilizing no-till water only practices in native soil we are able to continually build our microbiology year after year giving the plants an optimum environment to thrive. Go ahead and catch a buzz with Lazy Bee.